Disruptive innovation: myth or reality?
If disruption is real for innovative industrial companies that are changing their models, this is not necessarily the case for their users. Think about it: can you provide one example of innovation that emerged truly from nowhere and radically altered peoples’ habits?
When Gutenberg invented the printing press in the fifteenth century, he aggregated three elements: paper, which came from China two centuries before; the press of winemakers and artisans, which he perfected; and lead typefaces, the alloy of which he, as a goldsmith, improved. Gutenberg revolutionized the production of the written word. In so doing, he accelerated the dissemination of ideas, and yet, he did not break the behavior of reading. The invention of the printing press was a disruptive innovation for the monks but not for the faithful readers of the Bible.
From the point of view of a company, innovation can be disruptive. When a business model no longer works, it is obviously strategic to change it. Though beneficial over the long term, this transformation can be tumultuous. The implementation of innovation can be a painful process, for employees and managers alike. The disruption is imposed by the evolution of the competitive, social, economic or environmental environment. It is not chosen. Who would consciously decide to experience a rupture?
From the point of view of users, customers, and citizens, evolution is only ever chosen, Read more