I am an entrepreneur and a designer
I am an entrepreneur and a designer. I am tremendously optimistic about man's ability to invent new models to live in harmony in a constantly shifting world.
I believe in the power of innovation by and for humans to quickly develop and grow our economy in mutually beneficial ways. Innovation is a reinvigorating adventure. It relieves us of the burden of obsolete benchmarks and provides a clear vision of our future.
I am driven by the belief that we are at the dawn of a revolution which is no longer industrial, but experiential. Designers are entrepreneurs who are unaware of their own entrepreneurship. Tomorrow, they will be the best allies of companies, helping a company to realize the value of its experience and to better place itself within a fair and appropriate economy.
I founded InProcess, a strategic innovation agency, to help businesses build their future models based on a human-centered approach.
If you want to know more about my background, my bio is published here.
Creativity is born of the interaction and connections between seemingly unconnected worlds and systems. So let's open up our eyes and be creative!
To contact me, simply :
call me on +33 (0)1 46 97 88 90, email me at c.rebours@inprocess-group.com,
and connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter !